Drama TV Movie
A poor, elderly white woman living in a tenement in a black ghetto is befriended by a neighborhood boy, and the two of them form a mutually beneficial relationship: he provides her companionship and protection, and she becomes the mother he never had.
Directed by
Jackie Cooper
Written by
Robert C.S. Downs
Bette Davis
Estelle Malone
Anne Ramsey
Heavy Charm
Ernie Hudson
Jackie Cooper
Vincent Schiavelli
Eileen Heckart
Three Bag Lady
Lurene Tuttle
Mrs. McIntyre
John Hancock
Tall Black Man
Tony Burton
Black Fighter
Eddie Quillan
Old White Man
Dan Mason
Father Gannon
Virginia Capers
Gorilla Sydney
Peg Shirley
Judge Alice Quentin
Jesse D. Goins
Ernest Harden Jr.
B.T. Williamson
Robert Ruth
Cheryl Harvey
Probation Woman
Lanyard A. Williams
Young Man
Tracy Fine
Candy Striper
Maggie Gwinn
Roger Hampton
Man in Alley

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