Drama TV Movie Thriller
On a transcontinental flight, the flight crew suffer from food poisoning and become incapacitated. Now it's up to one of the passengers to safely land the plane.
Directed by
Bernard L. Kowalski
Roddy McDowall
Dr. Ralph Baird
Leif Erickson
Marty Treleavan
Doug McClure
George Spencer
Keenan Wynn
Jack Ging
Kenneth Tobey
Capt. Wilson
Lois Nettleton
Janet Turner
Victor Izay
Second Man
Leonard Stone
Harry Burdick
Ed McCready
Football Fan
Christopher Dark
Mr. McCann
Patricia Mattick
Robert Dowdell
Tower Radar Operator
Renny Roker
Phone Operator
Sam Melville
Sue Casey
Sidney Clute
Mr. Swenson
Loretta Leversee
Mrs. McCann
Kit Woodhouse
Milton's Wife
Dean Stewart
Young Man
David M. Frank
Ticket Agent
Lee Stanley
Radio Room Operator

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