Drama History
At New Mexico's Empire Zinc mine, Mexican-American workers protest the unsafe work conditions and unequal wages compared to their Anglo counterparts. Ramon Quintero helps organize the strike, but he is shown to be a hypocrite by treating his pregnant wife, Esperanza, with a similar unfairness. When an injunction stops the men from protesting, however, the gender roles are reversed, and women find themselves on the picket lines while the men stay at home.
Directed by
Herbert J. Biberman
Written by
Michael Wilson
David Bauer
Will Geer
Juan Chacón
Ramon Quintero
Rosaura Revueltas
Esperanza Quintero
Mervin Williams
David Sarvis
Clinton Jencks
Frank Barnes
Virginia Jencks
Ruth Barnes
Henrietta Williams
Teresa Vidal
Ernesto Velázquez
Charley Vidal
Joe T. Morales
Sal Ruiz
Clorinda Alderette
Luz Morales
Charles Coleman
Antonio Morales
Víctor Torres
Sebasatian Prieto
E.A. Rockwell
William Rockwell
Floyd Bostick
Sonja Dahl Biberman

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