Crime Drama
Seni, a club owner, is under pressure by a rival, Wan, to pay an outstanding loan. Upon hearing that he has a long-lost brother named Sema, Seni sends his loyal lieutenants, Tom and Pon, to visit Sema, only to find that Sema has died. Seni decides that he can use the situation to his advantage, and buries Sema's body in a forest.
Directed by
Rattana Pestonji
Written by
Rattana Pestonji
Thom Wisawachart
Ratanavadi Ratanabhand
Sarinthip Siriwan
Senee Wisaneesarn
Senee / Sema
Jurai Kasemsuwan
Thawin Worawiboon
Phichit Saliphan
Seni Utsanisan

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