Drama Romance
Married couple Jack and Terry Linden are experiencing a difficult period in their relationship. When Jack decides to step outside the marriage, he becomes involved with Edith, who happens to be the wife of his best friend and colleague, Hank Evans. Learning of their partners' infidelity, Terry and Hank engage in their own extramarital affair together. Now, both marriages and friendships are on the brink of collapse.
Directed by
John Curran
Written by
Larry Gross, Andre Dubus
Mark Ruffalo
Jack Linden
Naomi Watts
Edith Evans
Laura Dern
Terry Linden
Peter Krause
Hank Evans
Jennifer Mawhinney
Amber Rothwell
Meg Roe
Lollipop Girl
Marc Baur
Sam Charles
Sean Linden
Ginger Page
Natasha Linden
Jennifer Bishop
Sharon Evans
Jim Francis
Joe Ritchie
Patrick Earley

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