Comedy Drama
An actor who is considering the role of a supermarket manager arrives at a grocery store on the outskirts of Los Angeles to do some field research. He subsequently becomes stranded, without a car or cell phone, and accepts a ride home with Scarlet, a cashier who is about to interview for a new job. The actor rediscovers the essence of his craft while helping Scarlet gain the confidence she needs to change her life.
Directed by
Brad Silberling
Morgan Freeman
Anne Dudek
Bobby Cannavale
Rhea Perlman
Mrs. D
Jonah Hill
Danny DeVito
Big D
Paz Vega
Leonardo Nam
Kid at Target
Jim Parsons
Jesse Heiman
Jennifer Echols
Tracey with an 'E'
Ski Carr
Tony / Banger (uncredited)
Silvia Curiel
Shocked Customer
Eddie 'Piolin' Sotelo
Radio DJ (voice)
Hector Atreyu Ruiz
Gangbanger in Lowrider
Kumar Pallana
Alexandra Berardi
Mop Lady
Alexis Hernandez
Cowed Customer
Matthew Perales
Carwash Kid
Nacho Pina
Market Husband
Francisca Hernandez
Market Wife / Market Gossip #1
Rosa Diaz
Market Gossip #2

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