Comedy Romance
It's bad enough that Clarice Kendall Andrews, Paula's irresponsible sister, comes home from celebrating Mardi Gras and drunkenly mentions that she got married during the festivities. What's worse is the fact that Paula knows that Clarice is still married to an equally irresponsible gigolo. Paula learns that the man Clarice married, Stephen Cormack, is on his yacht and his lawyer, thinking that Paula is Clarice, offers the older woman $5000 to annul the marriage.
Directed by
Lloyd Corrigan
Neil Hamilton
Stephen Dorchester Cormack
Joseph Schildkraut
Michael Dimitri Andrews
Warren Hymer
Mary Gordon
Grant Mitchell
Burton Williams
Charles Richman
Lloyd Corrigan
Patricia Farr
Clarice Kendall Andrews Cormack
Marcia Mae Jones
Patricia Cormack
Sally Eilers
Paula Kendall
George Ernest
Henry "Hank" Cormack
Spencer Charters
Robert Greig

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