History Drama
Vietnam 1791. Old Truong, the Emperor’s Master of Arms, feels the end of his life coming. But he has yet to find a successor. The country has to be prepared for war and the Emperor is furiously impatient. He gives Master Truong two weeks to find the one. Truong sets off to visit Master Wing, a famous former General who is now living as a simple fisherman on the shores of a lake. He has three children. Truong wants to test the two sons as his potential successors and asks to see a demonstration of their fighting skill.
Directed by
Marc-Olivier Louveau
Patrick Vo
Châu Belle Dinh
Santi Sudaros
Jim Adhi Limas
Master Truong
Tapa Sudana
Master Wing
Jean-Claude Tran
Master Song
Fang-Hsuan Chiu
Tenzin Kunchap
Idiot Man
Michel Chapuis
Man in Black

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