Animation Sci-Fi Action TV Movie
Codename: Robotech is an animated pilot that preceded the original 1985 Robotech television series. It is set within the events of the First Robotech War.
Directed by
Robert V. Barron
Written by
Ardwight Chamberlain, Robert V. Barron, Greg Finley, Steve Kramer
Cam Clarke
Max Sterling (voice)
Greg Finley
Henry J. Gloval (voice)
Melanie MacQueen
Lisa Hayes (voice)
Gregory Snegoff
Khyron (voice)
Dan Woren
Roy Fokker (voice)
Iona Morris
Claudia Grant (voice)
Tony Oliver
Rick Hunter (voice)
Rebecca Forstadt
Lynn Minmay (voice)
Steve Kramer
Robert V. Barron

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