Crime Drama
After learning that a boy their age has been accidentally killed near their rural homes, four Oregon boys decide to go see the body. On the way, Gordie, Vern, Chris and Teddy encounter a mean junk man and a marsh full of leeches, as they also learn more about one another and their very different home lives. Just a lark at first, the boys' adventure evolves into a defining event in their lives.
Directed by
Rob Reiner
Jerry O'Connell
Vern Tessio
Corey Feldman
Teddy Duchamp
Kiefer Sutherland
Ace Merrill
John Cusack
Denny Lachance
Wil Wheaton
Gordie Lachance
River Phoenix
Chris Chambers
Richard Dreyfuss
The Writer
Rob Reiner
Marshall Bell
Mr. Lachance
Bradley Gregg
Eyeball Chambers
Casey Siemaszko
Billy Tessio
Gary Riley
Charlie Hogan
Bruce Kirby
Mr. Quidacioluo
William Bronder
Milo Pressman
Dick Durock
Bill Travis
Frances Lee McCain
Mrs. Lachance
Chance Quinn
Gordon's Son
Scott Beach
Mayor Grundy
Jason Oliver
Vince Desjardins
Matt Williams
Bob Cormier
Madeleine Swift
Geanette Bobst
Mayor's Wife
Art Burke
Principal Wiggins
Andy Lindberg
Lardass Hogan
Charlie Owens
Lardass Heckler #2
Kenneth Hodges
Donelley Twin
John Hodges
Donelley Twin
Susan Thorpe
Fat Lady
Rick Elliott
Jack Mudgett
Jason Naylor
Gordon's Son's Friend
Harvey Keith
Gary Cox

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