Animation Comedy
A comedy about a nine-year-old pimp, Lil' Pimp, who hustles his ho's around the neighborhood. Along with his Mom, Pop, pimpin' pals Fruitjuice and Nagchampa, as well as superfine ho's, Yam Basket and Honeysak, and his loveable pet gerbil Weathers, who has Tourette's syndrome, Lil' Pimp generates laughs, magic and brutal honesty.
Directed by
Mark Brooks, Peter Gilstrap
Written by
Mark Brooks, Peter Gilstrap
Jennifer Tilly
Miss De La Croix (voice)
Tom Kenny
Hans Dribbler Announcer / Billy / Clancey / Adam 12 Cop (voice)
Kevin Michael Richardson
Smokey / Hans Dribbler / Peabo / Vanderbilt (voice)
William Shatner
Tony Gold (voice)
Weathers (voice)
Carmen Electra
Honeysack (voice)
Bernie Mac
Fruit Juice (voice)
John C. McGinley
Man Cub Master (voice)
David Spade
Principal Nixon (voice)
Jess Harnell
Tony Gold Ad Announcer (voice)
Jill Talley
Mom / Old Lady / Mary (voice)
Billy 'Sly' Williams
Additional Voices (voice)
Lil' Kim
Sweet Chiffon (voice)
Big Boy
Nag Champa (voice)
W.K. Stratton
Additional Voices (voice)
Rudy Ray Moore
Mr Slippers (voice)
Devika Parikh
Additional Voices (voice)
Danny Bonaduce
Ugly Midget (voice)
Elisa Gabrielli
Additional Voices (voice)
Geoffrey (voice)
Rachel Crane
Additional Voices (voice)
Jennifer Christner
Neckbrace Girl (voice)
Jack Shih
Cabbie (voice)
Pamela Tyson
Additional Voices (voice)
Don Dullilove
Additional Voices (voice)
Art Kimbro
Additional Voices (voice)

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