Michel Ferréol reluctantly meets up with an old school friend, Antoine Fiesco. Michel didn’t like Antoine much when they were at school and tries to get away by making an excuse. He changes his mind when Antoine introduces him to his wife, a beautiful brunette named Christine.
Directed by
Henri Verneuil
Brigitte Bardot
Brigitte Bardot
Robert Dalban
Claude Piéplu
Vendeur de vêtements
Micheline Luccioni
La fille du bois de Boulogne
Roger Hanin
Michel Ferréol
Darío Moreno
Darío Moreno
Bernard Musson
le pharmacien
Pierre Mondy
Antoine Fiesco
Pascale Petit
Christine Fiesco
Jacques Charrier
serveur restaurant
Guy Henry
Félix Marten
serveur restaurant
Gisèle Préville
Madame Lenormand

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