Thriller Drama
Two private bankers, Alistair and Jamie, who have the world at their feet get their kicks from playing a 12 hour game of hunt, hide and seek with people from the margins of society. Their next target is Sean Macdonald a parentless teenager who lives with his sister on a housing estate on the outskirts of Edinburgh. She's in debt, he's going nowhere fast. Sean agrees to play for cash.
Directed by
Richard Jobson
Karen Gillan
Young Girl at Bus Station
Alastair Mackenzie
Jamie Stewart
Dougray Scott
Alistair Raskolnikov
Liz White
Alice Kelly
Shelley Conn
Julie Stewart
Rebecca Palmer
Woman Loan Shark
Charles Mnene
Jamie Michie
Police Officer 1
Kim Chapman
James Anthony Pearson
Sean Macdonald
Jenny Foulds
Police Officer 2
Neil McNulty
Turbonegro Fan
Ruaraidh Murray
Gang Leader
Sheila Donald
Old Woman

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