Comedy Drama
The story takes place in Japan in both 1986 and 2006. The 1986 storyline follows a gamer named Daisuke who wants to confess his feelings for Kumiko, a girl he likes — all while trying to reclaim his copy of the Famicom (NES) game Mighty Bomb Jack that he lent out. In 2006, the hapless game company manager Arino-kacho struggles to complete Mighty Bomb Jack in front of fans. The storylines of the boy who loves Famicom and the middle-aged man who loves Famicom eventually merge into one.
Directed by
Masatoshi Kurakata
Written by
Kensaku Sakai
Yuna Taira
Asami Kokoro
Sumire Tanaka
Shinya Arino
Chief Arino
Hajime Yoshi
Takamasa Abe
Kaito Matsushima
Kakeru Yoshida

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