Drama Romance Western
Colonel Ferris, a wealthy farmer in northern California, is strongly opposed to hydraulic mining, a new method developed during the gold rush of the 1870's, which is flooding the area's prosperous farmlands. Despite Ferris' political stance, Jared Whitney, a mining engineer from the East, becomes friends with the colonel's son Lance and falls in love with his daughter Serena. Family tensions deepen when the colonel's brother Ralph gives up farming to go to San Francisco to work for his wife Rosanna's father, Harrison McCooey, a leader in the mining venture. When Lance follows Ralph, the colonel, focusing his anger on Jared, forbids him to see Serena.
Directed by
Michael Curtiz
Claude Rains
Colonel Ferris
John Litel
Ralph Ferris
Willie Best
Nelson McDowell
Farmer in Courtroom (uncredited)
Barton MacLane
Slag Martin
Olivia de Havilland
Serena Ferris
Margaret Lindsay
George 'Gabby' Hayes
Erville Alderson
Lawyer Cryden (uncredited)
George Brent
Jared Whitney
Jack Mower
Bartender (uncredited)
Guy Wilkerson
Vocal Farmer (uncredited)
Moroni Olsen
Senator Hearst
Walter Rodgers
General Ulysses S. Grant (uncredited)
Dick Botiller
Ramon - Ferris' Servant (uncredited)
Clarence Kolb
Senator Walsh
Tim Holt
Lance Ferris
Arthur Aylesworth
Farmer (uncredited)
Edmund Cobb
Miner (uncredited)
Chester Gan
Wong - McCooey's Servant (uncredited)
Harry Davenport
Dr. Parsons
Jack Kenny
Miner (uncredited)
Blackie Whiteford
Farmer (uncredited)
Cy Kendall
Kingan (uncredited)
Robert Homans
Miner Grogan (uncredited)
Charles Halton
Turner (uncredited)
Bud Osborne
Farmer (uncredited)
Edward Keane
San Francisco Bar Patron (uncredited)
Sarah Edwards
Party Guest (uncredited)
Tom Brower
Farmer in Meeting (uncredited)
Sidney Toler
Harrison McCooey
Marcia Ralston
Molly Featherstone
Russell Simpson
Douglas Wood
Judge H.B. Clayburn (uncredited)
Lafe McKee
Farmer in Courtroom (uncredited)
Robert McWade
Mr. Crouch
Karl Hackett
Clerk (uncredited)
William H. O'Brien
Butler at Party (uncredited)
Tex Cooper
Man in Telegraph Office Door (uncredited)
Henry O'Neill
Milton Kibbee
Party Guest (uncredited)
Jim Farley
Miner (uncredited)
Wedgwood Nowell
San Francisco Bar Patron (uncredited)
Jack Rutherford
Miner (uncredited)
Bill Nestell
Miner (uncredited)
Raymond Brown
Farmer (uncredited)
Alan Davis
Clerk (uncredited)
Al Haskell
Farmer (uncredited)
Daisy Lee
Moy - Rosanne's Chinese Maid (uncredited)
Thomas R. Mills
Man at Stock Exchange (uncredited)
Sue Moore
Party Guest (uncredited)
Frank Pharr
Farmer (uncredited)
Clifford Soubier
Process Serving Deputy (uncredited)
Eric Wilton
Butler Announcing Party Guests (uncredited)

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