Comedy Crime Mystery
While participating in a contest at a local newspaper in which school children are asked to submit a news story, local attorney Carson Drew's daughter Nancy intercepts a real story assignment. She "covers" the inquest of the death of a woman who was poisoned. Nancy doesn't think the young woman accused of the crime is guilty and corrals her neighbor Ted into searching for a vital piece of evidence and stumbles onto the identity of the real killer.
Directed by
William Clemens
Thomas E. Jackson
City Editor Bostwick
Dickie Jones
Killer Parkins
John Litel
Carson Drew
Olin Howland
Police Sergeant Entwhistle
Bonita Granville
Nancy Drew
Leonard Mudie
Deputy District Attorney Garrett (uncredited)
Sheila Bromley
Bonnie Lucas
Joan Leslie
Mayme, Journalism Student (uncredited)
Charles Halton
Newspaper Publicity Man (uncredited)
Irving Bacon
Tracy (uncredited)
Renie Riano
Effie Schneider (uncredited)
William Gould
The Judge (uncredited)
Al Bain
Gym Spectator (uncredited)
John Ridgely
Beldenburg Hotel Desk Clerk (uncredited)
Mary Lee
Mary Nickerson
Leo White
Newspaper Office Worker (uncredited)
Betty Amann
Eula Denning
Paul Panzer
Newspaper Office Worker (uncredited)
Steve Clark
Pedestrian (uncredited)
Frank Mayo
Man Leaving Courthouse (uncredited)
Charles Sullivan
Gym Spectator (uncredited)
Willie Fung
Mandarin Cafe Proprietor (uncredited)
Frank Orth
Captain Tweedy (uncredited)
Glen Cavender
Newspaper Office Worker / Beldenburg Hotel Passerby (uncredited)
Jack Mower
Deputy Coroner (uncredited)
Jimmy Conlin
Newspaper Morgue-Keeper (uncredited)
Kit Guard
Man at Gym Counter (uncredited)
Florence Halop
Phyllis Gimble, Journalism Student (uncredited)
Elliott Sullivan
Pedestrian (uncredited)
George Offerman, Jr.
Tribune Office Boy (uncredited)
John Dilson
Deputy Coroner (uncredited)
Dick Gordon
Courtroom Spectator (uncredited)
Larry Williams
Miles Lambert
Chester Gan
Mandarin Cafe Headwaiter (uncredited)
Nat Carr
Dr. Carey (uncredited)
Jack Perry
Soxie Anthens (uncredited)
John J. Richardson
Joe, Taxi Driver (uncredited)
Frankie Thomas
Ted Nickerson
Hooper Atchley
The Chemist (uncredited)
Betty Roadman
First Prison Matron (uncredited)
Jack Kenney
Gym Spectator with Cigar (uncredited)
George Lloyd
Maxie, Gym Attendant (uncredited)
Charles Smith
Charles, Journalism Student (uncredited)
George Guhl
Policeman at Lambert Estate (uncredited)
Edgar Edwards
Drunk (uncredited)
Sam Bagley
Trainer (uncredited)
Frankie Burke
Beldenburg Hotel Bellboy (uncredited)
Loia Cheaney
Newspaper Office Worker (uncredited)
Clyde Courtright
Beldenburg Hotel Doorman (uncredited)
Jimmie Fox
Gym Trainer (uncredited)
Paul Fung
Mandarin Cafe Waiter (uncredited)
Sol Gorss
Citizen Driver (uncredited)
Eddie Graham
Pedestrian During Chase (uncredited)
Robert Haines
Courtroom Spectator (uncredited)
Al Herman
Gym Spectator (uncredited)
Harry Hollingsworth
Policeman (uncredited)
Johnny Kern
Gym Spectator (uncredited)
Paul King
Waiter (uncredited)
Al Lloyd
Pedestrian Outside Hotel (uncredited)
Charles Marsh
Beldenburg Hotel Engineer (uncredited)
Pat McKee
Admission Collector at Gym (uncredited)
Bob Perry
Man at Gym Gate (uncredited)
Jessie Perry
Second Prison Matron (uncredited)
Cliff Saum
Policeman Outside Courthouse (uncredited)
Lois Verner
Theresa, Journalism Student (uncredited)
Pat West
Jake, Gym Trainer (uncredited)
Jack Wise
Newspaper Office Worker (uncredited)
Walter Young
Dr. Hibbard (uncredited)

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