Action Drama
Near India and Pakistan's border-town of Fatehpur, lives Ranjit Singh Choudhary who has been labeled as a rebel by his schoolmaster and his dad, Makhan's employer, Bade Thakur, as he could not stand the injustice that was meted to farmers like his dad, and his ancestors who had become economic slaves to the upper-caste Thakurs, who loaned them some money, ...
Directed by
J. P. Dutta
Amitabh Bachchan
Mithun Chakraborty
Naseeruddin Shah
SP Sultan Singh
Ranjit Singh Choudhary
Kulbhushan Kharbanda
Havaldar Gopi Dada
Reena Roy
Smita Patil
Sumitra Sultan Singh
Anita Raj

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