Comedy Drama
Finnish porn movie producer Pertsa returns from America to his home country to continue his profession with hopelessly small budgets and incompetent casts and crews. A self-ironic satire about director Donner's scandalous fame in late 1960s Finland, notorious for a graphic long shot of his penis pointing northeast.
Directed by
Jörn Donner
Written by
Jörn Donner
Jaakko Talaskivi
Peter von Spaak (uncredited)
Kirsti Wallasvaara
Elvi Saarnio
Ulla's Mother (uncredited)
Ritva Vepsä
Saara Suominen
Marianne Holmström
Ulla Carlsson
Henrik Granö
Sven Pettersson
Lennart Lauramaa
Producer (uncredited)
Hannu Oravisto
Schoolboy (uncredited)
Heli Sakki
Actress (uncredited)
Jukka Sipilä
Real Estate Broker (uncredited)
Helena Mäkelä
Reporter (uncredited)
Henrik Lax
Mayor (uncredited)
Aimo Paapio
Ulla's Father (uncredited)
Juhani Kumpulainen
Bailiff (uncredited)

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