Comedy Drama Romance
Shoko and Mutsuki get married to satisfy their worried parents, but she is well past the age at which a 'good' Japanese woman should marry, and he is in love with a young male college student. The film is less a realistic exploration of gay life than a fairy tale of three young Japanese trying to construct an alternative to the sexual and familial roles given to them by a society turning increasingly emotionally barren.
Directed by
Jōji Matsuoka
Written by
Jōji Matsuoka
Yūsuke Kawazu
Yuzo Kishida
Etsushi Toyokawa
Mutsuki Kishida
Masahiko Tsugawa
Todushi Koyama
Hiroko Yakushimaru
Shoko Koyama
Hatsuo Yamaya
Mariko Kaga
Chiaki Koyama
Kai Ato
Rie Shibata
Masuyo Iwamoto
Yuriko Kishida
Michitaka Tsutsui
Kon Fujishima
Yukio Ninagawa
Satoko Ôshima
Tomoko Oshima
Misuho Ito
Kumiko Tsuchiya

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