Mystery Thriller
With a tour in Afghanistan behind him, war-torn Chris Jensen struggles to assimilate back to life in California. Drifting and living out of his car, he soon discovers that few are willing to deal with the remnants of a damaged career military man. Chris is self medicating; desperate to silence the echoes from the front lines. When an opportunity finally presents itself, he makes the hard decision to employ his most coveted talents honed in special ops. A job is a job and Chris knows civilian life can be just as cut-throat as time on active duty. But just how close does he have to get to Andrew Warner to secure the kill?
Directed by
Brent Corrigan
Written by
Linda Andersson
Brent Corrigan
Addison Graham
Jude Lanston
MP Officer
Tellier Killaby
Cory Tyndall
Bar Patron
Tammy Tolene
Girlfriend in car
Jack Brockett
Laura Reilly
Jackie Townsend
Matthew Campbell
Ryan Massey
Jill Zimmer
Ish Bermudez

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