Crime Drama Thriller
Doug MacRay is a longtime thief, who, smarter than the rest of his crew, is looking for his chance to exit the game. When a bank job leads to the group kidnapping an attractive branch manager, he takes on the role of monitoring her – but their burgeoning relationship threatens to unveil the identities of Doug and his crew to the FBI Agent who is on their case.
Directed by
Ben Affleck
Blake Lively
Krista Coughlin
Ben Affleck
Doug MacRay
Titus Welliver
Dino Ciampa
Rebecca Hall
Claire Keesey
Jon Hamm
FBI S.A. Adam Frawley
Jeremy Renner
James "Jem" Coughlin
Pete Postlethwaite
Fergus "Fergie" Colm
Stephen Bishop
Derrick (uncredited)
Victor Garber
Assistant Bank Manager (uncredited)
Michael Malvesti
Atlantic Truck Courier
Chris Cooper
Stephen MacRay
Keith Fluker
Boston PD (uncredited)
Henry Kingi
Owen Burke
Desmond "Dez" Elden
Suzanne Gillies
FBI Agent (uncredited)
Peter Looney
NA Speaker
Albert "Gloansy" Magloan
Brian Scannell
Jack Neary
Arnold Washton
Laura Albert
Gary Galone
Internal Affairs Officer at Fenway
Jeffrey Corazzini
Boston Police Officer (uncredited)
Ted Arcidi
Cedar Junction C.O.
Corena Chase
Agent Quinlan
John Franchi
Townie (uncredited)
Jim Ford
FBI SWAT (uncredited)
Georgia Lyman
Neptune's Waitress
Dennis McLaughlin
Tommy Dallace
FBI Special Agent Danny Hawkins (uncredited)
Brian A. White
Jeffrey Feingold
FBI Agent (uncredited)
Kerri Dunbar
Henry’s Girl
Tony V.
Vericom Crew Chief
Isaac Bordoy
Alex Colazzo
Michael Yebba
Beacon G.I. Joe Driver
Daniel Woods
BPD Sergeant at Krista's Accident
Jimmy Joe Maher
Inside Man at Fenway
Joe Lawler
Task Force Agent Conlan
Michele Cressinger
Mark Berglund
Young Security Guard
Ralph Boutwell
Cashcom Guard
Michael Romig
Cashcom Guard
Ed O'Keefe
Morton Previt
Ben Hanson
FBI SWAT Team Leader
Richard Caines
Frank Garvin
Police Captain
Danny Ring
Cop Giving Statement
David Catanzaro
Fenway Detective
Jeremiah Kissel
Claire's Lawyer
Malik McMullen
Plain Clothed FBI Agent
Charles C. Winchester III
Gate D Police Officer
Adam J. Husband
Gate D Police Officer
Danny DeMiller
Eskimo Story Speaker
Susan Rawlinson
NA Speaker
Sean Locke
NA Speaker
Lennin Pena
Colazzo's Friend
James McKittrick
Cop Who Looks Away
Bryan Connolly
Cedar Junction C.O. Visitors Area
Quan Liang Chen
Monument Laundry Owner
Alex Winston
Police Photographer
Michael F. Murphy
Michael Houlihan
Kimberly Mahoney
Warren Tavern Waitress
Bobby Curcuro
Man in Harvard Square
Ginaya Green
Krista's Friend
Nicole Page
Krista's Friend
Robert Boyden
Vericom Employee
Jamie Ghazarian
Dancer at Foxy Lady
David Boston
Man at Casino Cash in Window Line (uncredited)
Alex Bussell
Pedestrian (uncredited)
Katelyn Cahill
Student / Pedestrian (uncredited)
Nick Cairis
FBI Agent (uncredited)
Mary A. DeBriae
Poker Player (uncredited)
Tom Diorio
Boston Police Officer (uncredited)
Carlos Foglia
FBI Agent Gary Clark (uncredited)
Rich Foster
Decoy Lot Agent (uncredited)
Jonathon Frost
FBI Agent (uncredited)
London Hall
Runner (uncredited)
Bane Harlock
Man (uncredited)
Louis Holmes
Gambler (uncredited)
Lili Haydn

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