Comedy Drama Romance TV Movie
A mix up on her first day of work sends Shane to the Dead Letter Office, where a group of quirky characters led by Oliver try to deliver the undeliverable. Though Shane wants out of this strange detail, she can't help but get caught up in the story of one misdirected letter mailed by a dying young woman to the man she was falling in love with. As circumstances around the letter get more complicated, Shane and the group break all the rules to see the letter delivered and justice done.
Directed by
Scott Smith
Written by
Martha Williamson
Yan-Kay Crystal Lowe
Rita Haywith
Eric Mabius
Oliver O’Toole
Daphne Zuniga
Andrea Shmeckle
Benjamin Hollingsworth
Charlie Riggs
Laci J. Mailey
Olivia Cheng
Geoff Gustafson
Norman Dorman
Kristin Booth
Shane McInerney
Tracy Trueman
Reese Alexander
Michael Karl Richards
Lisa Marie DiGiacinto
Kelly-Ruth Mercier
Charlie's Neighbor
Michael P. Northey
Jerry Polevich
Larke Miller
Samuel Hartley
Little Boy
Scott Rintoul
Male Traveler

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