Animation Fantasy
June 1998: After spending two years in a coma caused by a traffic accident, Shiki Ryougi awakens with amnesia. She is visited by Touko Aozaki, a wizard and proprietor of a studio called Garan no Dou. Shiki has lost not only the memory of her accident, but also any real sense that she's even alive. Strangely, enigmatic beings begin to attack her...
Directed by
Teiichi Takiguchi
Yuka Iguchi
Nurse (voice)
Maaya Sakamoto
Shiki Ryougi (voice)
Mamiko Noto
Fujino Asagami (voice)
Jouji Nakata
Souren Araya (voice)
Kenichi Suzumura
Mikiya Kokutou (voice)
Rie Tanaka
Kirie Fujou (voice)
Soichiro Hoshi
Lio Shirazumi (voice)
Takako Honda
Touko Aozaki (voice)
Seiko Yoshida
Nurse (voice)
Yuichi Ishigami
Doctor (voice)
Kana Akutsu
Nurse (voice)

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