Animation Crime Action Fantasy
The story starts following an incident: a young girl jumps from the top of a building. The image provokes a certain dread, as the girl appears to have been a corpse even before she jumped. The case is dismissed, yet more and more of these suicides occur, and all from the same building. Thus began the rumour, that a ghost inhabited the rooftop of the building.
Directed by
Ei Aoki
Maaya Sakamoto
Shiki Ryougi (voice)
Ayumi Fujimura
Azaka Kokutou (voice)
Kenichi Suzumura
Mikiya Kokutou (voice)
Rie Tanaka
Kirie Fujou (voice)
Takako Honda
Touko Aozaki (voice)
Eri Nakao
Reporter (voice)
Shuuzou Nakamura
Announcer (voice)

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