Drama TV Movie
The Bachmann family's life is falling apart at the seams. Little Florian needs his dad - Peter Bachmann. Peter, his wife Maria and daughter Sophie have been unaware of his existence until now. A test begins. Can Maria forgive her husband for his infidelity? Should they really take the strange child into their family? When they finally decide in favor of Florian, they learn that he is no ordinary child. He is a boy with Down's syndrome. They are shocked. Once again their love is put to the test. Will she be big enough to accept Florian?
Directed by
Dominique Othenin-Girard
Written by
Rodica Döhnert
Bojana Golenac
Maria Bachmann
Timothy Peach
Peter Bachmann
Marita Breuer
Dr. Elisabeth Hilpert
Sina Tkotsch
Sophie Bachmann
Horst Scheel
Erik Borner
Arved Birnbaum
Jürgen Klein
Dennis Bartelniewöhner
Elisabeth von Koch
Svea Hajos
Regine Vergeen
Sybille Bertram
Neithardt Riedel
Dr. Clemens Schadewaldt
Lisa Adler
Andrea Perpin
Monika Herwig
Aunt Ingrid
Clemens Löhr
Tim Werner
Daniel Werner
Bernd Warburg
Ugur Sofu
Manohar Teli
Klaus Götte

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