Thriller Drama Romance Mystery Horror
When Naoko was a freshman in high school she was kidnapped and imprisoned by a man who lived next door. For one month, she went through hell. Finally, she killed the man and escaped. Now as an adult, Naoko is a doctor specializing in infertility treatment, but she also has another side. Naoko is a popular master in a S&M club.
Directed by
Takashi Ishii
Written by
Takashi Ishii
Yuki Mamiya
Naoko (17 years old)
Tarô Suwa
Client of SM club
Naoto Takenaka
Mitsu Dan
Naoko (31 years old)
Hiroko Yashiki
Ito Yozaburo
Genuine Sadist
Hiroko Nakajima
Kayoko / Naoko's mother
Shun Nakayama
Tsuyoshi Nakano
Don Brown

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