Adventure Drama Action
A privately-financed scientist and his colleagues hire an ex-Navy officer to conduct an Alaskan submarine expedition in order to prevent a Red Chinese anti-American plot that may lead to World War III. Mixes deviously plotted schoolboy fiction with submarine spectacle and cold war heroics.
Directed by
Samuel Fuller
Cameron Mitchell
'Ski' Brodski
Richard Widmark
Capt. Adam Jones
Ron Nyman
Victor Francen
Prof. Montel
Henry Kulky
McCrossin (uncredited)
Leslie Bradley
Mr. Aylesworth (uncredited)
Harry Carter
Gene Evans
Chief Holter
Richard Loo
Hakada Fujimori
Stephen Bekassy
Robert Adler
Welles (uncredited)
Eugene Borden
French Reporter (uncredited)
David Wayne
Tugboat Walker
John Wengraf
Col. Schuman (uncredited)
Cactus Mack
Bella Darvi
Denise Montel
Peter Ortiz
Crewman (uncredited)
Ray Stevens
Crewman (uncredited)
Ben Wright
BBC Announcer (uncredited)
Harry Denny
Frank Kumagai
Eddie Lee
Rollin Moriyama
Don Orlando
Beal Wong

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