Action Adventure Animation Family
The Invincible Iron Man and the Incredible Hulk must join forces to save the Earth from its greatest threat yet! When two Hydra scientists try to supercharge a Stark Arc Reactor with Hulk's Gamma Energy, they unleash a being of pure electricity called Zzzax - and he's hungry for destruction. Together, Iron Man and Hulk are the only force that stands in the way of the Zzzax's planetary blackout. But first, the super heroic duo will have to get through snarling Wendigos, deadly robots and the scaly powerhouse, Abomination. Can two of Marvel's mightiest heroes find a way to work together without smashing each other before time runs out?
Directed by
Leo Riley, Eric Radomski
Written by
Henry Gilroy, Brandon Auman
Fred Tatasciore
The Hulk (voice)
Adrian Pasdar
Iron Man / Tony Stark (voice)
Dee Bradley Baker
Dr. Cruler / Zzzax (voice)
Joe Quesada
Robin Atkin Downes
Dr. Fump / Abomination (voice)
Liam O'Brien
The Red Skull (voice)
David Kaye
Jarvis (voice)

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