Drama Comedy
Mohammad is sent to an apartment situated in uptown Tehran to install their satellite dishes, while having satellite TV is illegal in Iran. He arrives there with a girl named Shirin who seems to be his girlfriend and is in need of some money to repair her father's car with which she has had an accident the day before. Each of the house's residents have their own fish to fry and they also want their satellites installed as soon as possible.
Directed by
Parisa Bakhtavar
Mehran Modiri
Amin Hayaei
Gohar Kheyrandish
Omid Roohani
Baran Kosari
Mohammadreza Sharifinia
Sarina Farhadi
Saber Abar
Hamed Behdad
Bahare Rahnama
Niloofar Khosh-kholgh
Kianush Gerami
Akram Mohammadi
Amir Nuri
Afarin Chitsaz
Soroosh Goodarzi
Mohsen Ghazi Moradi

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