Adventure Comedy Family
A long time ago... in the summer of 1981, a tragedy of epic proportions (a broken plastic bat) sends five friends on an epic adventure to the mall. All they have to do is follow The Stream and back.
Directed by
Estlin Feigley
Written by
Colin Costello
Christopher Gorham
Glenn Terry
Rainn Wilson
Adult Ernest
Kelly Rutherford
Maggie Terry
Mario López
Paxton's Dad
Susan Barrett
Wyatt's Mom
Noura Jost
Paxton Riley
Roman Maldonado
Tyler Elliot Burke
Wyatt Swooker
Michael Vincent Carrera
Jacob M Williams
Ernest Terry
Michael Capperella
Bobby Terry
Cj Diehl
Chris Wollerman
Sabrina D. Carpenter
Lorna Ross
Louis Stancil
Madison Kaplan
Hollis Woodlock
Asko Ramos
Devon O'Brien
Tween Boy
Donna Dimino
Hollis's Mom
Nathaniel Westover
Rebecca Malek
Century 21 Realtor
Ariana Burks
Maggie / Capture the Flag Kid
Gabrielle Belardo
Capture the Flag Kid
Rocco Capperella
Boy in Pool
Taylor Carmichael
Capture the Flag Kid
Ricky Crews
Capture the Flag Kid
Braedon Decker
Capture the Flag Kid
Sean Decker
Capture the Flag Kid
Kim Diehl
Ted Diehl
Christina Elahee
Capture the Flag Kid
Georgi Feigley
Girl in Pool
Michelle Keane
Capture the Flag Kid
Heidi Morein
Sunbathing Woman
Buddy Nash
Old Man
Lucas Newell
Capture the Flag Kid
Dakota Raen
Capture the Flag Kid
Isabella Rota-Talarico
Capture the Flag Kid
Danielle Sink
Capture the Flag Kid
Alissa Robin Smith
Capture the Flag Kid
LaQuan Sykes
Capture the Flag Kid
Kylah Venable
Capture the Flag Kid
Brett Young
Capture the Flag Kid

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