Comedy Drama
Death does not select, man does. Set in Budapest, Heavenly Shift offers an eerie insight into the everyday lives of a rather extraordinary ambulance crew. The films main character is Milan, a young refugee from the Balkan War, who joins a team of paramedics but inadvertently ends up involved in the funeral business in order to finance his fiancee s rescue from the hostilities.
Directed by
Márk Bodzsár
Written by
Márk Bodzsár
Vica Kerekes
Zsolt Trill
Szöke Kóla
Adél Jordán
Mrs. Steiner's daughter
Zsolt Nagy
Tibor Kovács, prisoner
Natasa Stork
Hanna Pálos
Kati Lázár
Mrs. Steiner
Thuróczy Szabolcs
Tamás Keresztes
Ötvös András
Ákos Orosz
Robi Kotter
Roland Rába
Fék doktor
Sándor Zsótér

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