Drama Romance
Izabella Scorupco plays Carla, who is a con-artist somewhere in mediavel Sweden. Carla is disguised as a man and she is selling a "product" called Petri tårar (Tears of St. Peter). This product cures every sickness. In order to promote her product she promises to wake up from the dead all citizens of the town who have died within the last ten years. Both the bishop and the mayor are alarmed as they fear loss of influence over them and try to work against Carla. There are also many citizens who don't want to see their "loved ones" wake up from the dead. In order to make things more confusing, Carla and the son of the mayor, Mark, fall in love with each other.
Directed by
Erich Hörtnagl
Written by
Jonas Cornell, Erich Hörtnagl
Izabella Scorupco
Carla / Carlo
Leif Andrée
Rolf Lassgård
Niklas Falk
Jan Malmsjö
Mr. von Toppler
Johanna Sällström
Fröken Karin
Carl-Einar Häckner
Enrico Bonavera
Lasse Pöysti
The Cripple

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