Comedy Music Drama
A circus performer falls in love with the son of a plantation owner in antebellum New Orleans. When the young man's stepmother objects to the wedding, the couple break apart and go their separate ways for a time. Also in the mix are two circus comics who feud over the heart of another Southern belle.
Directed by
Luther Reed
Written by
Luther Reed
Bill Robinson
Specialty Dancer
Dorothy Lee
Nanny - Pewee's Girl
Jobyna Howland
Mrs. Birdie Van Horn
Bert Wheeler
Bebe Daniels
Dixiana Caldwell
Bruce Covington
Colonel Porter
Ralf Harolde
Royal Montague
Eddy Chandler
Blondell - Montague's Henchman
Joseph Cawthorn
Cornelius Van Horn, Carl's Father
Robert Woolsey
Ginger Dandy
Everett Marshall
Carl Van Horn
Benny Davis

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