Sci-Fi Animation Action Adventure
United States President Lex Luthor uses the oncoming trajectory of a Kryptonite meteor to frame Superman and declare a $1 billion bounty on the heads of the Man of Steel and his ‘partner in crime’, Batman. Heroes and villains alike launch a relentless pursuit of Superman and Batman, who must unite—and recruit help—to try and stave off the action-packed onslaught, stop the meteor Luthors plot.
Directed by
Sam Liu
Clancy Brown
Lex Luthor (voice)
Corey Burton
Captain Marvel / Solomon Grundy (voice)
Brian George
Gorilla Grodd (voice)
Allison Mack
Power Girl (voice)
Ricardo Chavira
Major Force (voice)
Tim Daly
Superman (voice)
CCH Pounder
Amanda Waller (voice)
John C. McGinley
Metallo (voice)
Xander Berkeley
Captain Atom (voice)
Jonathan Adams
General (voice) (uncredited)
Alan Oppenheimer
Alfred Pennyworth (voice)
Jennifer Hale
Starfire / Killer Frost (voice)
LeVar Burton
Black Lightning (voice)
Rachael MacFarlane
Nightshade / Lady Shiva (voice)
Kevin Conroy
Batman / Bruce Wayne (voice)
Michael Gough
Hawkman / Captain Cold (voice)
Mark Jonathan Davis
Newscaster (voice)
Calvin Tran
Toyman (voice)

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