Action Drama
This is the second installment of the trilogy based on Japan’s greatest novel “The Great Bodhisattva Pass”, following the life and times of bloodthirsty samurai, Tsukue Ryunosuke. Blinded in an explosion and further injured from a fall, the master swordsman is taken in by Otoyo, a woman who falls in love with him. Under Otoyo’s dedicated care, Ryunosuke’s physical and emotional wounds seem to heal. However, deep inside, the demons that drive him to kill yearn to resurface. Meanwhile he is being pursued by Utsugi Hyoma, a young samurai seeking to avenge his brother’s death at Tsukue’s hands. Hyoma is being aided along the way by the clever thief Shichibei.
Directed by
Tomu Uchida
Ryūnosuke Tsukigata
Bokuzen Hidari
Isao Yamagata
Kamio Shuzen
Satomi Oka
Chiezō Kataoka
Ryûnosuke Tsukue
Yumiko Hasegawa
Kinnosuke Nakamura
Utsugi Hyoma
Kunio Kaga
Sadako Sawamura
Kusuo Abe
Kanbei Utabe
Eijirō Kataoka
Ryōsuke Kagawa
Mochizuki Sobei
Chiyonosuke Azuma
Komai Noto-no-kami
Kenji Kusumoto
Kotaro Satomi
Shintaro Mochizuki
Michimaro Otabe
Michiyo Kogure
Harue Akagi
Harumi Urazato
Kichijirō Ueda
Hiroshi Kato
Michiko Hoshi
Yoshiharu Ueki
Kuratao / Ichitaro
Akitake Kôno
Momozo Zenriki
Akira Kishii
Kin'nosuke Fujiki
Kyōichi Hara
Takeshi Kumagai
Ichitarō Kuni
Hiroshi Mizuno
Gorô Naniwa
Toshikazu Sahashi
Matsunosuke Sasaki
Hideo Shimada
Mamoru Shimokawa
Yujiro Omi
Katsuya Ishimaru

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