Action Drama Thriller
The efforts of the Pakistani security forces in their fight against terrorism and how the lives of security officials are affected. A retired security officer returns to save Pakistan from a major terrorist attack.
Directed by
Bilal Lashari
Written by
Hassan Rana
Hamza Ali Abbasi
Ehtesham Khattak, O/C Field Operations CTG
Ali Azmat
Ejaz Khan
Khawar Riaz
Shaan Shahid
Ayesha Khan
Javeria Khattak
Shamoon Abbasi
Uzma Khan
Mujtaba`s Wife
Batin Farooqi
Kamran Lashari
Head Of Security Wing
Hassan Rana
Taha Ali
Nadeem Abbas
Waseem Badami
News Anchor
Naseer Afridi
Imran Khan
Taliban Partner
Umair Jaswal

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