Comedy Drama
Francie and Joe live the usual playful, fantasy filled childhoods of normal boys. However, with a violent, alcoholic father and a manic depressive, suicidal mother the pressure on Francie to grow up are immense. When Francie's world turns to madness, he tries to counter it with further insanity, with dire consequences.
Directed by
Neil Jordan
Fiona Shaw
Mrs. Nugent
Brendan Gleeson
Father Bubbles
Ian Hart
Uncle Arlo
Stephen Rea
Da Brady
Niall Buggy
Father Dom
Ardal O'Hanlon
Mr Purcell
Sean McGinley
Birdy Sweeney
Man in Well
Janet Moran
Dublin Shopkeeper
Tony Rohr
Bogman in Mental Hospital
Milo O’Shea
Father Sullivan
Ciarán Owens
Boy in Fountain
Stuart Graham
Priest at College
Eamonn Owens
Francie Brady
Brendan Conroy
Tom Hickey
Sean Hughes
Psychiatrist #1
Gina Moxley
Aisling O'Sullivan
Ma Brady
John Kavanagh
Dr. Boyd
Gregg Fitzgerald
Bogman #1
Gerard McSorley
Psychiatrist #2
John Olohan
Mr Nugent
Peter Gowen
Vinnie McCabe
Sinéad O'Connor
Our Lady/Colleen
Jer O'Leary
Dublin Man
Macdara Ó Fátharta
Alien Priest
Alan Boyle
Joe Purcell
Andrew Fullerton
Phillip Nugent
Rosaleen Linehan
Mrs. Canning
Anita Reeves
Mrs. Coyle
Joe Pilkington
Charlie McGlone
Anne O'Neill
Mrs McGlone
Mikel Murfi
Pat Leavy
Dublin Cafe Woman
Paraic Breathnach
Man on Tractor
John Finegan
Bogman #2
Gavin Kelty
Bogman #3
Eoin Chaney
Bogman #4
Dermot Healy
Bogman in Hospital
Ronan Wilmot
Marie Mullen
Mrs Thompson
Áine McEneaney
Girl in Shooting Gallery
Siobhan McElvaney
Girl in Shooting Gallery
Paolo Tullio
Mr Caffolla
Shane O'Connor
Boy in Fountain

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