Comedy Drama Family
Simon Birch and Joe Wenteworth are boys who have a reputation for being oddballs. Joe never knew his father, and his mother, Rebecca, is keeping her lips sealed no matter how much he protests. Simon, meanwhile, is an 11-year-old dwarf whose outsize personality belies his small stature. Indeed, he often assails the local reverend with thorny theological questions and joins Joe on his quest to find his biological father.
Directed by
Mark Steven Johnson
Jim Carrey
Adult Joe Wenteworth
Ashley Judd
Rebecca Wenteworth
Oliver Platt
Ben Goodrich
Joseph Mazzello
Joe Wenteworth
David Strathairn
Rev. Russell
Dana Ivey
Grandmother Wenteworth
Sean Flynn
Junior Lamb
Jan Hooks
Miss Leavey
Ian Michael Smith
Simon Birch
Beatrice Winde
Hilde Grove
Cecilley Carroll

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