Drama Crime
A woman is found dead on the shores of a tourist beach in Vendrell; one of her breasts amputated. The bust appears, soon after, on the work table of Judge Olvido. The old inspector Méndez then begins a laborious investigation that will take him from the slums of Barcelona to the richest areas of the city...
Directed by
Francisco Rovira Beleta
Written by
Francisco Rovira Beleta, Enrique Josa
Assumpta Serna
Blanca Bassegoda
Silvia Solar
Olvido Montal
Llorenç Santamaria
Lynn Endersson
Dueña de la Pensión Real
Marta Flores
Dueña del bar
José Luis López Vázquez
Comisario Méndez
José María Blanco
Carlos Bey
Hugo Blanco
Eduardo Contreras
Fredy Ripers
Conrado Tortosa 'Pipper'
Fabià Matas
Daniel Ponce
Gaspar 'Indio' González
Superior de Méndez
José Cegarra

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