Horror War
It is prior to the commencement of World War II, and Japan's fiendish Black Dragon Society is hatching an evil plot with the Nazis. They instruct a brilliant scientist, Dr. Melcher, to travel to Japan on a secret mission. There he operates on six Japanese conspirators, transforming them to resemble six American leaders. The actual leaders are murdered and replaced with their likeness.
Directed by
William Nigh
Clayton Moore
FBI Agent Richard ‘Dick’ Martin
Bela Lugosi
Dr. Melcher/ Monsieur Colomb
Kenneth Harlan
FBI Chief Colton
Robert Fiske
Phillip Wallace
Frank Melton
FBI Agent
Joan Barclay
Alice Saunders
Robert Frazer
Amos Hanlin
I. Stanford Jolley
The Dragon
Edward Peil Sr.
Max Hoffman Jr.
George Pembroke
Dr. William Saunders
Irving Mitchell
John Van Dyke
Joseph Eggenton

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