Comedy Romance Drama
Romantic comedy drama about three friends in New York. Cassie has come to New York and goes to work as a model where her friend Gladys works. She falls in love with wealthy young Jerry who is already married. Gladys has the same probelm with her man Phelps.
Directed by
William Beaudine
Written by
Agnes Christine Johnston, Robert Riskin
Mae Clarke
Gladys Kane
Andy Devine
Jimmy Callahan - Chauffeur
Walter Miller
Manager of Drugstore
Natalie Moorhead
Ruth Dexter
Jean Harlow
Cassie Barnes
Walter Byron
Jerry Dexter
Jameson Thomas
Arthur Phelps
Lucy Beaumont
Mrs. Barnes, Cassie's Mother
Marie Prevost
Robert Dudley
Lem - the Druggist
Armand Kaliz
Kathrin Clare Ward
Mrs. Kane
Marcia Harris

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