Animation Comedy
Porky, a talent scout for "Goode and Korney Talent Agency," auditions various acts. A final gag has a wolf performing this "stupendous act" where he wears a devil hat, cape and the like, drinks nitroglycerin, gasoline and other explosive stuff, then swallows a match. KABOOM! Porky thinks that the act is really good until the wolf's ghost comes in and says that there's a catch... "I can only do it once!"(Source:
Directed by
Friz Freleng
Mel Blanc
Porky Pig / Grasshopper / Turtle / Al Jolson / Janitor / Dog / Flea Circus Dog (voice)
Stan Freberg
Fox (voice) (uncredited)
Dave Barry
Various (voice) (uncredited)
Cliff Nazarro
Various (voice) (uncredited)
Dorothy Lloyd
Various (voice) (uncredited)
John Woodburry
Sinatra and Crosby birds (singing) (uncredited)

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