Romance Comedy TV Movie
Dan Farrell, a single father and firefighter unexpectedly falls for local florist Kate just two weeks before his stations’ annual Valentine’s Day fundraising ball. But Kate’s recent ex returns to town to win her back with a marriage proposal. Will Dan suit up to fight for love, or let the flame with Kate burn out?
Directed by
Graeme Campbell
Written by
J.B. White, David N. Titcher
William Baldwin
Dan Farrell
Natalie Brown
Kate Burlingham
Lisa Berry
Wendy Clark
Christian Martyn
Tyler Farrell
Michael Xavier
Michael Carrier
James Thomas
Gavin Malone
Michael Cram
Sadie LeBlanc
Allison Brennan
Alyssa Piazza
Bar Tender (uncredited)
Deven Stillar
Young EMT (uncredited)
Siam Yu
Leah McPherson
Evie Moores
Firefighter Wife (uncredited)
Jim Calarco
Michael Cleland
Mikey (uncredited)
Jonathan Gaudet
Chad Coles

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