Family Animation Fantasy Adventure Comedy
The beautiful princess Odette is transformed into a swan by an evil sorcerer's spell. Held captive at an enchanted lake, she befriends Jean-Bob the frog, Speed the turtle and Puffin the bird. Despite their struggle to keep the princess safe, these good-natured creatures can do nothing about the sorcerer's spell, which can only be broken by a vow of everlasting love.
Directed by
Richard Rich
Jack Palance
Lord Rothbart (voice)
John Cleese
Jean-Bob (voice)
Michelle Nicastro
Princess Odette (voice)
Dakin Matthews
King William (voice)
Mark Harelik
Lord Rogers (voice)
Joel McKinnon Miller
Bromley (voice)
Adam Wylie
Young Derek (voice)
Susan Boyd
Chorus (voice)
Steven Wright
Mr. Lorenzo "Speed" Trudgealong (voice)
Howard McGillin
Prince Derek (voice)
Sandy Duncan
Queen Uberta (voice)
Steve Vinovich
Lieutenant Puffin (voice)
Liz Callaway
Princess Odette (singing voice)
Bobbi Page
Chorus (voice)
Randy Crenshaw
Chorus (voice)
James Arrington
Chamberlain (voice)
Carmen Twillie
Chorus (voice)
Davis Gaines
Chamberlain (singing voice)
Adrian Zahiri
Young Princess Odette (voice)
Tom Alan Robbins
Musician (voice)
Jon Joyce
Chorus (voice)
Catte Adams
Chorus (voice)
Angie Jaree
Chorus (voice)
Amick Byram
Chorus (voice)
Kerry Katz
Chorus (voice)
Stephen W. Amerson
Chorus (voice)
Susie Stevens-Logan
Chorus (voice)
Rick Logan
Chorus (voice)
Susan McBride
Chorus (voice)
Tampa M. Lann
Chorus (voice)
Sally Stevens
Chorus (voice)
Debbie Hall
Chorus (voice)
Oren Waters
Chorus (voice)
Michael Dees
Chorus (voice)
Jim Haas
Chorus (voice)

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