Animation Adventure
There is a world with two towns that are big enemies: Pyross and Hydross.
Directed by
Philippe Leclerc
Written by
Laurent Turner
Fily Keita
Kallisto (Voice)
Frédéric Cerdal
Razza (Voice)
Gilbert Levy
Solon (Voice)
David Krüger
Akkar (Voice)
Didier Lockwood
Benjamin Pascal
Skan (Voice)
Pascale Chemin
Djuba jeune (Voice)
Marjolaine Poulain
Djuba (Voice)
Mélody Dubos
Béryl (Voice)
Hélène Vauquois
Chloé (Voice)
Yann Le Madic
Akkar jeune (Voice)
Charles Pestel
Tob (Voice)
Philippe Sarrazin
Trinitro (Voice)
Guillaume Fau

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