Animation Sci-Fi Adventure
On planet Perdide, an attack of giant hornets leaves young Piel alone in a wrecked car with his dying father. A mayday message reaches their friend Jaffar, an adventurer travelling through space. Onboard Jaffar’s shuttle are the renegade Prince Matton, his fiancée, and Silbad, who knows Perdide well. Thus begins an incredible race across space to save Piel.
Directed by
René Laloux
Written by
René Laloux, Jean Giraud
Alain Cuny
Xul (voice)
Michel Elias
Silbad (voice)
Jean Valmont
Jaffar (voice)
Sady Rebbot
Claude (voice)
François Chaumette
Robot (voice)
Michel Barbey
Igor (voice)
Gabriel Cattand
Pirate (voice)
Georges Atlas
Iroquois (voice)
Henry Djanik
Un soldat (voice)
Yves-Marie Maurin
Matton (voice)
Yves Brainville
Général (voice)
Monique Thierry
Belle (voice)
Frédéric Legros
Piel (voice)
Patrick Baujin
Jad (voice)
Pierre Tourneur
Yula (voice)
Jim Bauman
Lowry (voice)
Michel Paulin
Pixa (voice)
Nick Storey
L'anglais (voice)

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