Comedy Drama
Substance-addicted Hollywood actress, Suzanne Vale is on the skids. After a spell at a detox centre her film company insists as a condition of continuing to employ her that she live with her mother, herself once a star and now a champion drinker. Such a set-up is bad news for Suzanne who has struggled for years to get out of her mother's shadow, and who still treats her like a child. Despite these and other problems, Suzanne begins to see the funny side of her situation, and also realises that not only do daughters have mothers—mothers do too.
Directed by
Mike Nichols
Dennis Quaid
Jack Faulkner
Shirley MacLaine
Doris Mann
Meryl Streep
Suzanne Vale
Oliver Platt
Neil Bleene
Annette Bening
Evelyn Ames
Gene Hackman
Lowell Kolchek
Richard Dreyfuss
Dr. Frankenthal
Rob Reiner
Joe Pierce
CCH Pounder
Julie Marsden
Peter Onorati
Carrie Fisher
Mary Wickes
Ted Raimi
Emergency Room Attendant (uncredited)
Michael Ontkean
Robert Munch
Pepe Serna
Anthony Heald
George Lazan
Robin Bartlett
Simon Callow
Simon Asquith
JD Souther
Dana Ivey
Wardrobe Mistress
Marcelo Tubert
Sound Editor
Natalija Nogulich
Friend at Airport
Bob Harks
Party Guest (uncredited)
John Verea
Young Intern
Douglas Roberts
Barbara Garrick
Stanley DeSantis
Crew Member (uncredited)
Carly Simon
Mark Lowenthal
Beau Lotterman
Soundman (uncredited)
Conrad Bain
George D. Wallace
Susan Forristal
Friend at Airport
Gary Morton
Marty Wiener
Sidney Armus
Sid Roth
Michael Byers
Kathleen Gray
Gloria Crayton
Maid at Party
René Assa
Passport Official
Evelina Fernández
Airline Employee
Jane Galloway
Jason Tomlins
Shelley Kirk
First Lady
Jessica Z. Diamond
Script Supervisor
Scott Frankel
Pianist at Party
Sheridan Leatherbury
Robert Marshall
Helicopter Pilot
Jim Cuddy
Blue Rodeo Band
Bazil Donovan
Blue Rodeo Band
Mark French
Blue Rodeo Band
Jorga Caye
Western Bar Patron (uncredited)
Anthony DeStefanis
Savona (uncredited)
Conrad Hurtt
Cowperson (uncredited)
Carrie Jachnuk
Fan at Party (uncredited)
Fred Moon
Air Plane Passenger (uncredited)
Danny Nero
Party Guest (uncredited)
Raymond Storti
Stagehand (uncredited)

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