Drama Comedy
Somewhere in Northern Russia in a small Russian Orthodox monastery lives an unusual man whose bizarre conduct confuses his fellow monks, while others who visit the island believe that the man has the power to heal, exorcise demons and foretell the future.
Directed by
Pavel Lungin
Written by
Dmitry Sobolev, Pavel Lungin
Sergey Burunov
Dmitriy Dyuzhev
Father Iov
Nina Usatova
Nikita Tarasov
Timofey Tribuntsev
young Anatoli
Viktoriya Isakova
Svetlana Obidina
Yuriy Kuznetsov
Tikhon Petrovich, admiral
Viktor Sukhorukov
Father Filaret
Pyotr Mamonov
Father Anatoli
Yana Esipovich
Aleksey Zelensky
young Tikhon
Olga Demidova
Федор Старых
B. Aleksandrov

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