Western Romance Adventure Action
Notorious shootist and womanizer Quirt Evans' horse collapses as he passes a Quaker family's home. Quirt has been wounded, and the kindly family takes him in to nurse him back to health against the advice of others. The handsome Evans quickly attracts the affections of their beautiful daughter, Penelope. He develops an affection for the family and their faith, but his troubled past follows him.
Directed by
James Edward Grant
John Wayne
Quirt Evans
Bruce Cabot
Laredo Stevens
Hank Worden
Townsman (uncredited)
Paul Fix
Mouse Marr (uncredited)
Harry Carey
Marshal Wistful McClintock
Olin Howland
Gail Russell
Penelope 'Penny' Worth
Symona Boniface
Dance Hall Madam (uncredited)
Pat Flaherty
Baker Brother (uncredited)
Irene Rich
Mrs. Worth
Yakima Canutt
Kenne Duncan
Gambler (uncredited)
John Halloran
Thomas Worth
Tom Powers
Dr. Mangram
Paul Hurst
Frederick Carson
Lee Dixon
Randy McCall
Marshall Reed
Joan Barton
Lila Neal
Stephen Grant
Johnny Worth
Craig Woods
Ward Withers
Rosemary Bertrand
Christine Taylor (uncredited)
John Bose
Barfly (uncredited)
Louis Faust
Hondo Jeffries (uncredited)
Bert Moorhouse
Gambler (uncredited)

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