Drama History War
Based on Érico Verissimo's literary trilogy, Time and the Wind follows 150 years of the Terra Cambará family and their opponents, the Amaral family. The struggles between the two families begin in the missions and lasts until the end of the 19th century. The film also features the period of formation of the state of Rio Grande do Sul and the dispute of territory between the Portuguese and Spanish crowns.
Directed by
Jayme Monjardim
Written by
Tabajara Ruas, Letícia Wierzchowski, Marcelo Ruas
Martín Rodríguez
Pedro Missioneiro (adulto)
Marjorie Estiano
Bibiana Terra Cambará (jovem)
Mayana Moura
Luzia Silva Cambará
César Troncoso
Fernanda Montenegro
Bibiana Terra Cambará (idosa)
Thiago Lacerda
Capitão Rodrigo Cambará
Elisa Volpatto
Alice Terra
Vanessa Lóes
Maria Valéria Terra
Paulo Goulart
Coronel Amaral Neto
Leonardo Medeiros
Bento Neto
Suzana Pires
Ana Terra (adulta)
Leonardo Machado
Marciano Bezerra
Rafael Cardoso
Florêncio Terra
Ana Terra
Cyria Coentro
Henriqueta Terra
Igor Rickli
Bolívar Terra Cambará
José de Abreu
Ricardo Amaral
Janaína Kremer
Bibiana Terra Cambará (adulta)
Marat Descartes
Licurgo Terra Cambará
Luiz Carlos Vasconcelos
Matheus Costa
Pedro Missioneiro (jovem)
Liselene Severo Bidone
Ana Terra (idosa)
Fernanda Moro
Josefa Bezerra
Luis Franke
Cris Pereira
Juvenal Terra
Apolônio Cypriano
Gonzalo Durán
Miguel Ramos
Marcos Verza
Padre Otero (jovem)

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